
Punch Cartoons about Fashion

"All A-Growing, All A-Blowing' ["Miss Nicholson spoke of the facility with which vegetarian might, if they pressed their demands upon tradesmen, obtain vegetarian boots and vegetarian gloves." - Report in Daily Paper of Meeting of the Vegetarian Federal Union.] Our Lunatic Contributor thinks this an excellent idea. But why not have vegetarian coats, and hats, too - in fact, vegetarian clothing from head to foot?

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"All A-Growing, All A-Blowing' ["Miss Nicholson spoke of the facility with which vegetarian might, if they pressed their demands upon tradesmen, obtain vegetarian boots and vegetarian gloves." - Report in Daily Paper of Meeting of the Vegetarian Federal Union.] Our Lunatic Contributor thinks this an excellent idea. But why not have vegetarian coats, and hats, too - in fact, vegetarian clothing from head to foot?