The (Home-) "Ruler of the spirits!" Biddy Maloney. "And is it Smoyth, spalpeen! As 'ud be afther shuttin' up the Shebeens o' Sundays? Shure, thin, if that's to be the game, the less we have o' home-rule the betther!"
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cartoons Punch Magazine B&W B/W black & white black and white Ireland Irish Victorian Era 1870s 1876 Nineteenth Century 19th Century 19th C Victorians political politics Irish question Home Rule Home Rule League national personifications Hibernia Public Houses (Ireland) Sunday Closing Resolution pubs public houses licensing opening times alcohol drinkers drinking hangovers musical references Finnegan's Wake Biddy Maloney women alcoholism man drunkeness illustrations men woman history historical United Kingdom Britain Great Britain UK colonialism imperialism self-determination self determination Irish nationalism Sunday closing temperance temperance movements stereotypes depictions subhuman animalistic Patrick James Smyth shebeens Home Rule Party Members of Parliament Irish Sunday Closing Bill 1876 Sunday Closing Bills symbols personifications Irish peasants Irish peasantry interiors Big Cuts Punch cartoons MPs Irish Members of Parliament Irish MPs
- Contained in galleries
- John Tenniel Cartoons