"There, gentlemen!-I bet that will fetch 'em!"
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- Ionicus-Joshua-Armitage-Cartoons-Punch-Magazine-1946.32.SUM.tif
- Copyright
- © Punch Limited
- Image Size
- 4148x5089 / 60.5MB
- www.punch.co.uk ; www.punch.photoshelter.com
cartoons Punch Magazine colour color 1946 1940s Forties commercial art artists fine art avant garde art artists' studios advertising design typography graphic art posters publicity tourism tourist authority local councils chambers of commerce provincial towns seaside resorts beaches modern art Bohemian artist types artists' garrets artists' smocks palettes easels oil paintings commissioned art artists' licence town councillors promotions marketing tools untidy studios artists' visions art genres art styles comprehension communication masterpieces advertising campaigns poster art colourful arresting images over the top culture clash previews private views Shell Guides references Futurist art references highbrow culture Vorticist art references commercial artists commissions abstraction sketches messy studios interiors chips and cracks dilapidated optimism hubris pride holidays vacations Great Britain Britain England English United Kingdom British baffled empty picture frames plaster casts debris tubes of oil paint rags teapots milk bottles turpentine English Tourist Board references postwar post war post-war tourism industry tourist industry tourist attractions seasides seaside resorts marketing advertisements tourism campaigns town councils local authorities local authority municipal councillors art Cubism Cubist studios travel trade travel industry
- Contained in galleries
- Design and Architecture Cartoons, Ionicus Cartoons (Joshua Armitage)