The Real Trade Union. Cook. "No, Mr Pickles, there ain't no horders, and things is come to a pretty pass! What with them co-robber-ative stores—And no presents—What's to become of hus pore servants—Let alone the tradespeople—Goodness gracious only knows!"
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cartoons Punch Magazine B&W B/W black & white black and white 19th century nineteenth century Victorian Era historical history 1860s 1868 Victorians illustrations political politics Big Cuts England Britain United Kingdom Great Britain UK British English social history trade unions trades unions unions trade Civil Service Supply Associations retail retailing retailers retail industry servants domestics domestic servants house servants cooks co-ops co-operative society co-operative societies middle-classes middle classes competition restraint of competition co-operative retailing society co-operative retailing societies consumers consumer choices consumer satisfaction high prices tradesman tradesmen tradespeople aprons trade union members trade unionists union members organised labour organised labor
- Contained in galleries
- John Tenniel Cartoons