"Brothers in Arms." ["The stanchness and devotion of the whole force, and particularly the excellent conduct of the native officers when thrown on their own resources are worthy of the highest praise;....and the fact that at the very first men saw their British officers shot down, makes the stanchness and gallantry of the native officers, non-commissioned officers, and men even more praiseworthy."—London Gazette despatches quoted in the Times, Sept. 8.]
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cartoons Punch Magazine B&W B/W black & white black and white Victorian Era historical history 1890s 1897 colonialism Nineteenth Century 19th Century 19th C Victorians Great Britain British British Empire India men British Indian Army soldiers natives Indians heroism defending injured rifles guns weapons politics political big cuts illustrations man Britain England English United Kingdom UK imperialism Asians Asian history Asia Empire empires Indian history Indian troops Indian soldiers Indian Army military uniforms British colonies British colony turbans defenders British subjects depictions warlike representations
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- John Tenniel Cartoons
!["Brothers in Arms." ["The stanchness and devotion of the whole force, and particularly the excellent conduct of the native officers when thrown on their own resources are worthy of the highest praise;....and the fact that at the very first men saw their British officers shot down, makes the stanchness and gallantry of the native officers, non-commissioned officers, and men even more praiseworthy."—London Gazette despatches quoted in the Times, Sept. 8.]](https://magazine.punch.co.uk/img-get2/I0000hDKv5BejAcc/fit=1000x750/John-Tenniel-Cartoons-Punch-Magazine-1897-09-18-127.jpg)